Orehmide Temple
Teenage Dropouts
Teenage Dropouts, follows three teenage girls whose untimely pregnancies lead to their expulsion from school, much to the anger and disappointment of their parents. These girls, saddled with the burden of child responsibilities, long to return to school but can not raise the funds to support their education.
Orehmide Temple is a Sierra Leonean film director, producer and screenwriter. She made her filmmaking debut with the feature titled, Cry of the Country Virgin, which she produced under the banner of her film production company, DreamWorld Production, in 2012. Since her debut, Orehmide’s passion for making films has led to her involvement in several projects, especially those focusing on gender and teenage pregnancy in the post-war Sierra Leone context. Oreh, as she is fondly called, has written a handful of screenplays, notable among them are the short films titled, Protecting our Future (2015) and Nature vs Nurture (2017). In 2016, she also wrote Boku Bon na Wahala, an eight part educational series on contraceptives which targeted youths, especially young girls. One of the series was written solely to teach young girls about their bodies and how to address issues relating to their sexual reproductive health. She made her directorial debut with the short film titled, Protecting our Future (2015).