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Archie ‘Valentino’ Thomas


Inside West Point


West Point is the biggest slum in Monrovia, ridden with poverty, it also an economic and cultural hub that suffers every day from environmental degradation, and a lack of political will to improve the everyday lives of its people. During the 2015 Ebola crisis, the press zeroed in on West Point as a center of the devastation; but as the epidemic subsided, so did international media attention, leaving untold the story of West Point beyond Ebola.

I Am A. Valentino Thomas. The intention of my work is to bring forth improvement and a standard that is acceptable to a moral soul . My weapon is my camera, and my ammunitions are compelling stories, be it photos or videos

 Born in Liberia, educated in Kenya, I am  a freelance photographer, cinematographer and editor based in Monrovia, Liberia. As a model and actor, I have  appeared in Vogue, local ads and music videos. I am currently  the CEO of Niu Image Liberia a production company. Clients include Coca Cola, Accountability Lab, More Than Me, Street Child, Associated Press, Uniform and the UN.